
Sunday, February 19, 2012

We Are Back and Baking!

Finally taking time to blog again!

Ruby Cakes Bakery has been open for a little more than 2 months and all we have to say is - wow!

These past couple of months have brought us through the holiday season and into the New Year and the ride has been completely exhausting in an exhilarating kind of way!

Dominique and Ruby Cakes were lucky enough to be featured in Sunset Magazine - what a cute couple!

Ruby Cakes also celebrated Valentines Day with Youtube viral video stars - Bruce and Esther Huffman. They are just as adorable in person... and boy does Bruce know how to work a room!

Birthday cake orders continue to pour in and every day seems to bring new experience, challenges, and opportunities!

Our Facebook page is up and running and we will continue to make it more robust with recipes, stories, and lots and lots of pictures. Working on enhancing the website as well (it is amazing how there always seems to be something more to do!).

Now that we are somewhat settling into a routine, we hope to blog at least once a week to document the ups and downs and ins and outs of this fantastic journey.

Gonna also try and pump up the blog as time goes on with tips and tricks, recipes and pictures and maybe even a music video or two (totally not kidding - wait for it!).

We also love it when people send us their recipes, ideas, comments, etc. so please hop on over to our Facebook page and share!